Nixes Mate is a navigational hazard in Boston Harbor.

We want to challenge the preconceived notions of reading on the web by using off-the-shelf technology to build a best-in-breed literary magazine. More than a magazine, it's a website.

We feature writers that use all 26 letters of the alphabet and then some. We're not afraid of punctuation; semicolons don't frighten us. Not even a little bit.

We feature small-batch artisanal literature, created by writers who've been honing their craft the time-honored way: one line at a time.

We insist that multiple pieces not be submitted separately. Please submit all work, within a category, together in one document. All the work you submit must be contained in a single computer file. This makes life so much easier for all involved.

Make only one submission within a category at a time. Do not make another submission in that same category until we've replied (usually 1 - 2 months). Subsequent submissions within the same category will be deleted unread. If you'd like to withdraw a single poem and not the whole submission, just log in and add a note to let us know which (under the "activity" tab in your submission). 

Don't include any contact information in the file that you submit. Your name and contact info will be included in the Submittable fields, and this will make it easier for us to read fairly.

Please don't query to ask if we have a reply to your submission yet. If the status says "received" or "in-progress," then it's received and in-progress. We always go as fast as we can, but we're only human and the submission flow waxes and wanes, so response times vary considerably.

Poetry should tell a story in language that excites us and grabs us and makes us want to feel ready to fix the world, or destroy it if need be, to defy gravity and end time.

Please submit no more than five poems. We insist that you send multiple pieces in a single file and start each poem on a new page. We allow simultaneous submissions so long as you notify us if your work has been accepted elsewhere.

Hybrid is that place where prose and poetry intersect, fall through the proverbial cracks of literature and exist outside of form. Some may call it prose poetry. Some may say, write a story in one sentence, or use 6 words, or use 100 words. We say, try us, stun us, make us go wow.

Please submit no more than five pieces. We insist that you send multiple pieces in a single file and start each piece on a new page. We allow simultaneous submissions so long as you notify us if your work has been accepted elsewhere.

We like stories. Good stories. Strong stories. Short stories and micro stories. We like narrative and minimalism and words that dance across the page. We like dialogue that is direct and sounds like a real person talking. We believe in Elmore Leonard's Rules of Writing numbers 3 & 4:

Never use a verb other than "said" to carry dialogue.
Never use an adverb to modify the verb "said" ... he admonished gravely.

We don't like sci-fi, fantasy or horror, but occasionally fancy a good ghost story, or a new take on myths. Just no zombies, dragons, vampires or orcs. When it comes to mysteries and westerns, we have a short attention span. We find blatant erotica boring. 

It should go without saying that what you read here is generally what we're looking for. We are literate adults, submit accordingly. 

Please submit one short story (no more than 2000 words), or two micro stories (less than 500 words is ideal). We insist that you send multiple pieces in a single file. Please start each piece on a new page.  We allow simultaneous submissions so long as you notify us if your work has been accepted elsewhere. 
For us, nonfiction combines art and fact with the finest writing. It is a place where memoir and journalism and criticism can meet and have a coffee and discuss the beauty of a maparium without falling for ideology.

It should go without saying that what you read here is generally what we're looking for. We are literate adults, submit accordingly. 

Please submit one essay (no more than 3000 words). We allow simultaneous submissions so long as you notify us if your work has been accepted elsewhere.
Nixes Mate Review